Publikováno: 17. 11. 2013

Curator: The Museum Journal

Britské periodikum z oblasti muzeologie, které se zaměřuje na současná a urgentní témata v oboru, vychází 4x ročně od roku 1958. Obsahy čísel a abstrakty všech článků od roku 2009 - včetně - jsou volně přístupné online. Pro celé články je třeba mít předplaceno skrze Wiley Online Library.

Written by museum professionals for museum professionals, Curator: The Museum Journal provides a forum for exploration and debate of the latest issues, practices, and policies in museum administration, research, exhibition development, visitor studies, conservation, education, collection management and other subjects of current concern to the community. Each issue presents a range of expert voices. Articles are peer-reviewed and held to the highest standards of timeliness and rigor. Forums, reviews and commentaries relay news and opinions from writers with an insider's perspective. Issues are frequently organized around topics of great urgency for the field. Professional conversations cover the globe: from the emergence of museums in China to the trials of export licenses in Great Britain. Join in the discussions and know what your peers are saying about the vital issues facing museums.

V roce 2011 prošlo periodikum totální změnou grafiky, včetně loga (viz odstavec níže).

Curator has undergone a total redesign in 2011, including new logo, cover design and layout. The new logo presents the journal’s name in a new format that shifts emphasis to the more complete and descriptive The Museum Journal. This graphic change underscores the shift from narrowly defined museum discourse to a broader conversation about museums as cultural institutions operating within a larger ecology of ideas, values, and practices.
