Publikováno: 16. 10. 2012

Video z workshopu organizace MIDEA 2011 na téma iPady v muzeích

Video z workshopu organizace MIDEA 2011 na téma iPady v muzeích

The power of the tablet to engage and educate audiences is one of the driving factors behind the many educational institutions implementing programs that feature mobile devices. The Apple iPad, with its sleek design and easy-to-use interface, has positioned itself in the vanguard of all tablet PCs. With the commercial success it has garnered for institutions and organizations across the globe, it's time to explore the ways in which the iPad can bring more value to your museum.

On May 3-4 2011, museum professionals from across Texas and the US gathered in San Antonio to explore what iPads and devices like them can offer museums. Holly Witchey and Scott Sayre set the tone for an event that included hands-on time with iPads and museum apps, a panel discussion with museums already implementing iPads in docent tours, and an in-depth introduction to HTML5 and it's role in the tablet world.

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